Stability Shelter
Our stability shelter is an emergency overnight shelter which serves up to 40 men at a time. Guests are able to stay for up to 45 consecutive nights.
What can someone expect in our stability shelter?
Guests receive:
- Single bed with clean linens in a dorm-style setting
- On-site restrooms, showers, and laundry facilities
- Donated items, such as personal toiletries
What is an average night in our stability shelter?
Stability provides emergency-style overnight care for individuals who are in a crisis of homelessness or who are considering taking a step toward a transformed life. Each evening guests have opportunities to participate in case management and other services as they choose. Guests check in between 7 and 7:30 p.m. each night and check out at 6:30 a.m.
Our strong desire is that Stability guests will at some point move into the Recovery phase of the LifeChange Program.
Stability guests who give up their bed within their 45 days, must wait 30 days to re-enter the shelter. Additionally, a Stability guest who stays for the full 45 days but chooses not to move into the Recovery phase or another community program must wait 30 days to re-enter the Stability shelter.
Payment and Enrollment
The stability shelter emergency overnight shelter is available at no cost. Prospective guests may reserve a bed by calling Louisvilleās Coalition for the Homeless at 502.637.BEDS (502.637.2337) any day of the week between the hours of 10 a.m. and 1 p.m.
LifeChange: Recovery
The first phase of the program, LifeChange: Recovery, is for men 18 and over who are ready to do the hard work of overcoming homelessness. The Recovery phase lasts between three to five months and serves up to 18 men at a time.
What can someone expect in LifeChange: Recovery?
Residents of the Recovery phase receive:
- Single bed with clean linens in a dorm-style setting
- Three meals a day
- On-site laundry facilities
- Access to an exercise center, computer lab, and TV lounge
- Donated items, including clothes, personal toiletries, books, etc.
- Case management
- Biblical Counseling
- Life skills classes
- Workforce development at Re:Center Farm and Garden
Biblical Counseling
We provide biblical counseling to our LifeChange residents, providing an individualized and holistic approach to their physical, psychological, relational, and spiritual growth.
Workforce Development
Re:Center Farm and Garden is a part of Re:Center Ministries and serves as a large portion of workforce development programming for our LifeChange residents.
From sun up to lights out
The daily schedule has been carefully designed to teach residents the ways of Christ, keep them focused on their goals, and prepare them to successfully transition out of our program.
View Full Schedule
- 6:30 a.m. – Wake up
- 6:45 a.m. – Quiet time
- 7:00 a.m. – Breakfast
- 8:00 a.m. – Morning class
- 10:00 a.m. – Counseling, outside appointments, or workforce development at Re:Center Farm and Garden
- 12:00 p.m. – Lunch
- 12:30 p.m. – Counseling, outside appointments, or workforce development at Re:Center Farm and Garden
- 3:00 p.m. – Afternoon class
- 4:00 p.m. – Free time
- 5:30 p.m. – Chapel
- 6:00 p.m. – Dinner
- 7:00 p.m. – Chores
- 7:30 p.m. – Evening class or study hall
- 8:30 p.m. – Free time
- 10:00 p.m. – Lights out
Payment and Enrollment
The Recovery phase of the program is available at no cost. If residents have a source of income, they pay a sliding scale occupancy fee between $50 and $250 per month. New residents are enrolled in the Recovery phase only on Mondays – Fridays from 8am to 2pm. Please complete our referral form or schedule an enrollment appointment by contacting Andrew Glause at 502.584.6543
LifeChange: Transition
The second and final phase of the program, LifeChange: Transition, is for men who have successfully completed the Recovery phase. The Transition phase lasts up to one year and serves up to 10 men at a time.
What can someone expect in LifeChange: Transition?
Residents of the Transition phase receive:
- Private, on-site efficiency apartment with a bed, restroom, and kitchenette
- Three meals a day
- On-site laundry facilities
- Continued case management and 2 life skills classes per week
- Access to an exercise center, computer lab, and TV lounge
- Donated items, including clothes, personal toiletries, books, etc.
Life in transition
The goal of the Transition phase is to build on the hard-fought successes of the Recovery phase. Residents continue to grow in stability, responsibility, and maturity by living and working interdependently.
Key objectives of this phase include pursuing deeper connection with a local church, eliminating debt, reconciling with family and friends, and securing long-term, independent housing.
Due to the nature of the Transition phase, nearly all residents work full time. However, residents still are required to complete daily chores, engage in regular counseling and classes, and attend chapel as their work schedule permits.
Payment and Enrollment
The Transition phase of the program costs $320 per month. All Transition residents must have successfully completed the Recovery phase of the program.